to our clients
We work entirely for our clients’ long term returns and we remain invested alongside with them.
Mount Murray Investment claims compliance with the CFA Institute Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct, based on ethical principles that place clients’ interests first, as well as with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), to ensure fairness and completeness of our reporting.
Mount Murray Investment is registered as an investment adviser with United States Securities and Exchange Commission and as portfolio manager and derivatives portfolio manager with its local financial sector regulator, the Autorité des marchés financiers of Québec, Canada.
In line with with our investment philosophy for the companies we favor, we require respect, diversity and gender equality in the workplace, including protection against harassment and health risks.
We endeavour to provide all members of our team with activities which contribute to their happiness, dignity and education.
Mount Murray Investment was founded on the principle of employees’ participation in the ownership and control of their work organisation.
We believe corporate responsibility goes beyond our investment decisions. Our firm follows internal procedures tu support inclusion and responsible consumption and is actively involved in our community.
Each member of our team is encouraged to remain involved in a meaningful community initiative, be it to support vulnerable people, the environment or the arts.
Mount Murray Investment earmarks a portion of its revenues every year to a special purpose fund aimed at making donations to impactful organizations around the world that support innovative community-based initiatives improving the well-being of vulnerable and marginalized persons.